Various shots from the past couple of years

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Sunday, June 19, 2005

Lobby of the Berkeley Court Hotel in Dublin Posted by Hello

Panorama of Glendalough Posted by Hello

Panorama of Irish countryside from the mountain above Bray Posted by Hello

Kevin above the Irish Sea Posted by Hello

A not so flattering shot of myself standing above the cliffs while squinting into the sun. Posted by Hello

Another shot of the view from the mountain Posted by Hello

Not very reflective of the actual view. We hiked 1,228 feet to the top of this moutain. This is virtually a cliff descending to the Irish Sea. The train tracks run just above sea level so I am sure it would be a fantastic train ride. Posted by Hello

One of the beaches we hit today Posted by Hello

David and Kevin with some happy Irish man at the pub where we stopped for lunch otherwise referred to as 'pub grub' Posted by Hello

Brief description of the gateway to the monastery Posted by Hello

The gates to the monastery at Glendalough Posted by Hello

Another shot of the cathedral. Posted by Hello

Shot of the hillsides surrounding Glendalough. A small but beautiful lake is at between myself and the cliffs in the picture. Posted by Hello

Inside the Priest's house. The house is approximately 8' x 10' so you can't imagine a person living in it. The main door is shorter than me (5'10") and I almost had to turn sideways to get through the door. Posted by Hello

Sorry for the blur but you can read most of theis plaque explaining the cathedral shown in the preceding picture. Posted by Hello

Saint Kevin in front of his kitchen at Glendalough Posted by Hello

This is considered a two-lane road. When a car comes the other way at around 45 MPH each drive runs the side of their car through the bushes which can be a bit scarey for all. Posted by Hello

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Steaming tomorrow's clothes after the long journey. The dripping walls are the key indicator to a thorough steaming! Posted by Hello

A room without a view Posted by Hello

more 'normal' TV Posted by Hello

Last trip the TV was filled with the Pope. It now seems to be back to normal. Posted by Hello

Obviously different safety standards than the States. The window opens open about 5 feet allowing me to jump the 6 stories if life here gets too rough. Posted by Hello

A room without a view Posted by Hello

Monday, June 13, 2005

Madilyn minus two teeth. Now minus three with pics to come. Posted by Hello

Hare Bear and Jennifer. Posted by Hello

Nicole and her Hoppy Birthday cake. Posted by Hello