Various shots from the past couple of years

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Monday, November 28, 2005

A new day begins with a great sunrise on the 2005 elk hunt

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Jeff preparing Dad's elk for the backpacks (2004)

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Check out the terrain it is unbelievable

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Preparing for the fun ahead

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The work is complete!

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Frosty in process

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Another Frosty photo

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First snowfall (November 26, 2005)

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November 20, 2005 (same trees as posted September 18, 2005)

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The Loop road November 20, 2005

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Nebo - November 13, 2005

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Sienna at work (actually practice)

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Bridgeman - Opening day of the Utah deer hunt 2005

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360 degree panorama of elk hunt 2005

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Sunday, November 27, 2005

Wrong Deer (Todd) takin' in the day

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Sunset on the hunt Oct. 18, 2005

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Elk country from the bottom up

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Vast elk country - over 11,000 feet elevation

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This is where the cowboy rides away

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Elk country! It's over 1,500 feet to the bottom of this drainage

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Chief prepping a fine cup of instant coffee after a long day in the wind

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Chief (Dad) and Funnyman (myself) headed into some lovely weather on our recent elk hunt - 11,200+ feet elevation - Oct. 2005

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One sunburned tourist (Halloween 2005)

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The Coffin Bride (Madilyn), Rock Star and Napoleon Dyanmite on their way to school

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