Various shots from the past couple of years

(click any photo to enlarge)

Saturday, April 22, 2006

The kids in front of the authentic jail at Hole in the Rock

The kids taking a dip in the hotel hot tub

Me and the kids stopping for a photo

One of the many lizards on the trail

The family on Cave Spring Trail

The kids venturing under a rock overhang on the Cave Spring Trail - Canyonlands National Park

Newspaper Rock

The kids at Newspaper Rock

The whole family

A little perspective of the size of Goblin Valley

Spring Breakin' in Goblin Valley

Sunday, April 16, 2006

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One of eight baby owls we found while Eastering near Nephi

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The kids on Easter morning

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Harrison - Easter morning

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Bridger Eastering at Mark & Dawna's - obviously after the haircut

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Madilyn after her ballet of Sleeping Beauty

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Bridger before his haircut

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Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Another birthday celebration Posted by Picasa

More birthday pics Posted by Picasa

Posted by Picasa Harrison giving bowling a try at Bridger's birthday party

Posted by Picasa One horrifying makeup party

Harrison working on the new shed

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