Various shots from the past couple of years

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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Bridger on our grouse trip (09/12/06)

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Justin & Hayden on the same trip

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Bridger, Justin & Sienna (09/17, Parker Mtn sage grouse, 9,300 ft elev., temps between 19 & 43, trip duration 4am to 11:30pm, ltd. out @ 2 birds each)

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Bridger with 4 of 6 sage grouse taken 09/17 - Bridger's first successful hunt and he took the two biggest birds of the trip

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Bridger (orange spot) and Justin (blue spot to the left of Bridger) making a push for sage grouse

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Monday, September 18, 2006

Justin & Bridger trying out Bridger's new shotgun on the sage grouse hunt this weekend

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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Two photos of sunrise on the Aspen Grove trail

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Utah Valley from the summit of Mt. Timpanogos (11,750 feet) - 9 hour hike & almost 5,000 ft elevation change each way (more pics below)

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This year's projects - recently planted trees, sand box and expanded fire pit

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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

More projects - staining the landing and my Fall project of finishing the handrail and misting system for the trellis built outside the master suite

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Harrison's 4th birthday celebration

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Madilyn (left) and Bridger (right)

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Harrison (left) - at the local Labor Day celebration

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Harrison on his first day of pre-school - you can tell by his face there is never a dull moment for the rest of the family

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Madilyn (center) and her friends - first day of school

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3rd grade for Madilyn

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Off to middle school

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Harrison and Madilyn on their way to greet their star running back/cornerback (Bridger) after his first game of the season

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Batboy final crashes

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Sienna training for grouse season

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A shot of the rock/snow fields to be crossed to stay above the rim on our way out

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On our way down the switchbacks on our way to the 'stairs'

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(left to right) Gary, Kent, Wes and myself

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The summit trail from the top

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